"I love the characters here. They’re so lovable and human. Blue, so spunky and short-tempered, is a product of her environment, and she survives in it well. Robo, in contrast, is perfectly evil with a backstory complicated enough for me to feel the slightest twinge of sympathy for the Great Dane....Blue’s Prophecy is a compelling literary debut." - Catherine Boyd, book review, VOX Teen Communications


---- Profile of Emily:  “A youngster able to independently write for other kids is rare. Emmie’s understanding of character development and plot vision makes her a prodigy. I believe her name will be in lights.”  Tracy Ertl -  "Sci-Fi Book About Dogs Launches Cobb 13-year-old's Career As Author " in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution

--- Blue's Prophecy is Premier Book for Titletown Children: Ertl said that after reading the manuscript, she knew she wanted to publish Blue's Prophecy, but didn't want to add it to TitleTown's adult offerings, so TitleTown Children was born.  Publishers Weekly 

---  Emily and Shelagh Conner Shapiro chat about BP, her family, her pets, and writing, on the radio show, "Write The Book" in Burlington, VT. 

-- Writing tips: "Teen Novelist Emily Ross Shares Her Tips For Writing Your First Book" in Vox

-​-- Blue's Prophecy  full book review by Catherine Boyd - "In Blue's Prophecy, Readers Run from Man's Best Friend"  in Vox

-- Blue's Prophecy Book Signing with K9 Unit - in Marietta Daily Journal.

​-- Opinion/Editorial column about Emily's teachers who encouraged her to write Blue's Prophecy: Get Schooled:  "It took a village and some teachers to help Cobb fourth grader write novel" in Atlanta Journal-Constitution

-- Blue's Prophecy and Emily get a shout-out from fellow author Suzanne Skees: "One Author in an Ocean of Possibilities" in Huffington Post

-- Emily in a Q&A - with SolaFide Publishing


---"Blue’s Prophecy was so much fun. If you’ve read any of the Survivors books, it’s a similar feel – dogs against the world. I loved the pack dynamics, and the way Blue really grew from a lone wolf to a pack leader. " She's All Booked

---"Blue's Prophecy is unlike any book I have ever read before, and I would have to say that I have loved every minute of it."  The Avid Reader

--- "I  was quickly pulled into this story and thought the pacing was good...I definitely want to continue with this series, and I think that this book is great for young and older readers alike. I definitely would recommend this book especially if you are a fan of stories and worlds like Erin Hunter's. For me, it had somewhat of a nostalgic feeling toward it...from a viewpoint of animals, and I loved reading books like that when I was younger, and that was a nice feeling to get from this book."  Reading for the Stars and the Moon.

​-- "This book not only met my expectations, but far exceeded them. Interesting characters, complex plot, and plenty of action to keep me entertained, I loved it! I'm excited to see what else Miss Emily Ross has in store....While the cover originally grabbed my attention, this book delivers. I love animal books (The Warriors Saga, Ga'Hoole, and Redwall to name a few) so I couldn't pass this one up. I love finding diamonds in the rough, and sharing them. Blue's Prophecy is exactly that!" Adventures Thru Wonderland.

​​-- Perfect for middle grade and YA readers, and us older readers who want to go back in time and enjoy a younger read. I know I certainly did. I'm a dog lover. When I read the description, I was on board. And you will be too. If you have younger siblings, I think this is a great way to bond with them and get them into reading. It keeps your attention until the end.  Haddie's Haven. 

​-- Ross should be proud of her accomplishment and I will definitely be keeping an eye open for any future works. I will also more than likely pick up any sequel because I have gotten attached to quite a few characters in the book and I really want to know what happens next.  Booker T's Farm - Books and Nails and Puppy Dog Tails